Own a tree.Earn money.
Orne will let you purchase tokenized real trees and redistribute the full profit of their harvest back to you.

The concept
All the forests will be maintained in an eco-friendly, sustainable and responsible way to guarantee that your investment is not only benefiting you, but also the planet.
A three-step process

1. Seeding
Own a tree by holding
its NFT representation.

2. Growth
Orne takes care of it
in a sustainable way.

3. Profit
Once harvested,
you get the money.
The challenge:Protecting forests while meeting demand

Global average temperatures continue to rise year-on-year and at an increasing rate.
Changing weather patterns, extreme weather events, sea level rise…The effects of climate change are being observed around the globe.
It is evident that we need an urgent transformational shift to protect people and nature.

In 2020, greenhouse gas concentrations reached new highs.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen, making forests the second-most important carbon sink after oceans. Forests are also home to 80% of the world’s biodiversity and millions of people are dependent on them for their livelihoods.
The demand for wood and wood products is set to increase as we move towards sustainable alternatives, such as for packaging and construction.

Since 1990, over 400 million hectares of forest have been lost through conversion to other land uses.
In spite of their fundamental role, forests are disappearing at an alarming rate. We have lost over 400 million hectares of forest since 1990.
Given the economic drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, the creation of protected forest areas alone is not the most realistic or appropriate solution.
Our solution:Financing sustainable forestry through NFTs
Orne is convinced that it is possible to combine conservation and profitability through sustainable forest operations.
With the support of forestry specialists, Orne will create and maintain rich and complex ecosystems.
Trees will be responsibly harvested in a sustainable manner, allowing us to balance forest conservation and demand for wood and wood products.

How it works

1. Plantation
Orne purchases land and plants trees.
Each tree in the forest is represented by an NFT, with associated metadata (coordinates, species, age, etc.)

2. NFT creation
To create an NFT, Orne blocks 50% of the value of the tree in a smart contract in the form of an $ORNE token.
The NFT is then put for sale. During the lifetime of the tree, the NFT can be bought and sold, as its owner wishes. The forest thus becomes a liquid resource.

3. Harvest
When the tree is ready to be harvested, the owner of the NFT can exchange (burn) their NFT to receive the value of the sale of the tree.

4. Remuneration
The tokens locked at the creation of the NFT are used to remunerate the owner.
If the value of the tokens is inferior, Orne will make up the difference. If the value of the tokens is superior, Orne will collect the difference.
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